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 MasterGear - Sega Emulator

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Team Open Consoles
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MasterGear - Sega Emulator Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: MasterGear - Sega Emulator MasterGear - Sega Emulator Icon_minitimeJeu 24 Oct 2013, 18:53

MasterGear - Sega Emulator Unname71

Citation :
MasterGear emulates Sega MasterSystem, Sega GameGear, and other classic 8bit consoles from Sega. It runs MasterSystem and GameGear games right on your Android phone or tablet. Save game progress at any time and share it with friends, or play games together on the network. MasterGear also runs Sega Mark2, Mark3, SG1000, SC3000, and SF7000 games and other software.

* Specifically optimized for Android devices, using assembly language and hardware acceleration to run as fast as possible.
* Supports full screen landscape and portrait modes, with many special effect options.
* Save game play at any point and go back to that point once your character gets killed.
* Share your current position in a game with other users via State Exchange feature.
* Play with other users over local network or Internet via NetPlay feature.
* Play with your hardware keyboard, gamepad, touch screen, or accelerometer.
* Bluetooth gamepads, Xperia Play special buttons, iCade, Sixaxis, and Moga gamepads supported.
* Record soundtrack to MIDI files.

MasterGear package itself does not contain any games. You should place your own game files onto the SD card before running MasterGear.

Please, do not run any software you do not own with MasterGear. The author cannot and will not tell you where to find free MasterSystem or GameGear games.
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