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 Dream Arcades: nouvelles consoles retrogaming

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Serial Newser

Messages : 2171
Réputation : 100
Inscrit le : 30/06/2013

Machine préférée PC-ENGINE, DREAMCAST, PSX

Dream Arcades: nouvelles consoles retrogaming Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: Dream Arcades: nouvelles consoles retrogaming Dream Arcades: nouvelles consoles retrogaming Icon_minitimeMer 22 Juin 2016, 14:49

Known for creating full-sized arcade cabinets packed with emulated arcade games, Dream Arcades is getting into the console business with the Dreamcade Replay, bringing arcade and console classics to anything with an HDMI port.
The Dreamcade Replay is actually a series of three devices that Dream Arcades is launching on Kickstarter. First there’s the basic Dreamcade Replay Classic, the palm-sized, Atari 2600-styled device seen in the image above. It’s basically a tiny computer packed with everything necessary to not only emulate arcade and console games up to the original PlayStation, but also run non-demanding modern games and video streaming services.

         [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]  
So tiny.  

The system is built on Windows 10 (it would have automatically upgraded from anything else anyway) and comes loaded with emulators, hundreds of pre-installed games and a safe environment in which to acquire more.

Citation :
From Pong to PlayStation and everything in-between, finding and adding your favorite titles takes just a few clicks with our custom Retro-Reload Software that installs and configures everything, so adding new games to the menu is seamless. Plus, all downloads are from vetted, safe and DMCA compliant sites, keeping your system and family away from viruses, as well as intrusive, or even family inappropriate advertising.
Here’s the hardware packed inside that box:

         [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]  

The Classic is being offered to Kickstarter backers for $269 (plus $30 shipping for some reason) and comes bundled with a wireless controller. Other controllers can be connected via USB using various adapters available on the market. Or one could opt for the Dreamcade Replay Arcade Edition, which is available during the campaign for $399 and comes with this beast:

         [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]  

Finally there’s the most expensive option, the $599 Dreamcade Replay Mobile, which is pretty much a miniature arcade machine complete with joystick controls and an 8" LCD display. It’s made of wood. It also contains all of the connectors of the regular Replay, including the HDMI out, so it doubles as a TV console.

         [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]  

If the prices seem a little steep, keep in mind these are the Kickstarter early adopter prices. The Classic will be sold for $399 once the campaign is over, with the Arcade Edition priced at $599. The Replay Mobile will jump to $799. Dream Arcades has never been shy about large price tags, which is why I still don’t have an arcade machine in my home.

         [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]  

This is a thing I want attached to my television set, if only to introduce my children to the arcade games that I started with back when I was a little older than they are now. They’ll never know the joy of playing Pac-Man in a smoke-filled 7-Eleven while sipping on a Slurpee in a reasonably-sized container, but the Dreamcade Replay seems a fine way to fake it.
You can read more about the Dreamcade Replay line and chart its progress at the Kickstarter page.

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Serial Newser

Messages : 2171
Réputation : 100
Inscrit le : 30/06/2013

Machine préférée PC-ENGINE, DREAMCAST, PSX

Dream Arcades: nouvelles consoles retrogaming Empty
Msg n°2 MessageSujet: Re: Dream Arcades: nouvelles consoles retrogaming Dream Arcades: nouvelles consoles retrogaming Icon_minitimeMer 22 Juin 2016, 16:25

À propos du projet

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So much for the latest fad—the best video games never get old. From Pac-Man to Mario, Golden Eye to Street Fighter, gamers around the world love reliving these classic games of yesterday.
Now with our system you can find, download and instantly play thousands of classic arcade & console games, most for free.
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More than a console—More than a mini-pc. The Replay's lineup of easy-to-use Retro Gaming Machines are able to play games from dozens of consoles and includes over 100 licensed classics including: Pac-Man, Centipede & Breakout.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
We’ve designed the Dreamcade Replay to be a simple-to-use, one-stop solution for all your retro gaming needs. From Pong to PlayStation and everything in-between, finding and adding your favorite titles takes just a few clicks with our custom Retro-Reload Software that installs and configures everything, so adding new games to the menu is seamless. Plus, all downloads are from vetted, safe and DMCA compliant sites, keeping your system and family away from viruses, as well as intrusive, or even family inappropriate advertising.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image] Supports up to 4 controllers at once!
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
The Replay’s built on Windows 10, which means it’s the most versatile console available. Supports Netflix, Hulu, Steam, and MUCH more. If it’s available for PC, odds are you can use it on your Replay. And what retro gaming console would be complete without the ability to play classic PC games? Whether it’s Worms or Wolfenstein 3D, Angry Birds or Minecraft. You can play it on the Replay with many titles available free, or low-cost right from us.
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When it comes to emulation, CPU power is everything. Running quad-cores at over 2 ghz, means the Replay can handle thousands of games, including more recent titles like Street Fighter 4 and Counter-Strike. Our open system allows you to not only expand and hack till your heart’s content, but also lets you share your content with friends and family. T 2 Search This includes adding even more emulators, games and creating custom skins . Even high-scores and trophies can be earned and shared.
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The designs for the mainboard, arcade controls interface, and charging systems are complete and tested. We've even printing the actual circuit boards. And the current version of software has been included with our arcade systems for over a year with automatic updates rolled out as they are released. We still have to complete the injection molds, overhaul our online social platform, make updates for additional features, as well as complete final QA testing.
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[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]

Risques et défis

Dream Arcades started as a guy in a garage, and over the past twelve years, we've grown into a company with a 5,000 square-foot facility with dedicated support, programming, and engineering staff. We have been working with overseas manufactures for over eight years and know the ins-and-outs of manufacturing and importing. While there is risk with any project, we have the experience, staff, and reputation to make the Replay a reality.
The layout of one of the PCB’s may need to be changed to accommodate the molds. But the most critical and time consuming part— the initial design & testing—is complete. We anticipate any roadblocks to be straightforward to resolve.
Like any project, one of the biggest risks is unexpected delays. Overseas manufacturing works very differently than in the US, and delays are sometimes unavoidable. We’ve lined up multiple manufactures to minimize the impact of any delays and are committed to keeping candid communication on our progress with backers.
While we’re experienced at cost forecasting, there’s always a chance that some features might be modified or excluded. The two most likely candidates are changes to the Replay’s case needed to accommodate the injection molding process, and changes to the online social experience, as we hope to completely revamp it from our previous version.
Overseas orders could face issues or additional costs in local customs. Dream Arcades has shipped hundreds of arcades all over the world, so we can properly fill-out customs forms. However, we recommend buyers hire a custom broker to resolve any local customs issues, which we are not liable for.
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Serial Newser

Messages : 2171
Réputation : 100
Inscrit le : 30/06/2013

Machine préférée PC-ENGINE, DREAMCAST, PSX

Dream Arcades: nouvelles consoles retrogaming Empty
Msg n°3 MessageSujet: Re: Dream Arcades: nouvelles consoles retrogaming Dream Arcades: nouvelles consoles retrogaming Icon_minitimeJeu 23 Juin 2016, 19:26

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Messages : 357
Réputation : 20
Inscrit le : 01/06/2014

Dream Arcades: nouvelles consoles retrogaming Empty
Msg n°4 MessageSujet: Re: Dream Arcades: nouvelles consoles retrogaming Dream Arcades: nouvelles consoles retrogaming Icon_minitimeJeu 23 Juin 2016, 20:08

En fait c'est un NUC avec un boîtier un peu original ou j'ai raté quelque chose? :hmmm:
Pour l'instant je n'y vois qu'un énième projet surfant sur la vague du retrogaming, mais je me trompe peut être.
Vraiment pas fan des designs en tout cas.
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Msg n°5 MessageSujet: Re: Dream Arcades: nouvelles consoles retrogaming Dream Arcades: nouvelles consoles retrogaming Icon_minitime

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Dream Arcades: nouvelles consoles retrogaming
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