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 Mystic Quest de retour en HD

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Serial Newser

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Mystic Quest de retour en HD Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: Mystic Quest de retour en HD Mystic Quest de retour en HD Icon_minitimeDim 22 Fév 2015, 18:28

Super Nintendo RPG 'Final Fantasy Mystic Quest' HD Remaster In Development

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]For many gamers, their first steps into the world of RPGs was through the timeless series, Final Fantasy. Although arriving as a spin-off from the main series, Final Fantasy Mystic Quest has garnered plenty of fans for its puzzle elements, roaring soundtrack, and lush 16-bit visuals. These fans will be pleased to know that a HD remake of the game is fast approaching.

Dark Design Games have recently been showcasing what's on the horizon, with various screenshots of Mystic Quest HD Remaster appearing online. Sporting a much larger viewport, redrawn graphics, but al lthe charm of the original, this upcoming remake is actually looking quite nice. What makes things even better is that SquareEnix are backing this rerelease of the 1992 adventure - if the Dark Design Games website is anything to by.

Available to pre-order already for $7.99, Mystic Quest HD Remaster is due for release on both PC and Android. Although not listed online, an iPhone version is also on the way too. Rumour has it the remake will be arriving next month, so until then keep a close eye on the developer's website and Twitter feed.

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