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 Kitkat pour Minix X7

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Serial Newser

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Inscrit le : 30/06/2013

Machine préférée PC-ENGINE, DREAMCAST, PSX

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Msg n°1 MessageSujet: Kitkat pour Minix X7 Kitkat pour Minix X7 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Juil 2014, 16:25

Comment l'installer ?

MINIX NEO X7 – Official 4.4.2 “Hybrid” KitKat FW
We are happy to announce that we have just released our Official 4.4.2 “Hybrid” KitKat FW for the NEO X7 on the MINIX Forum. See link below to the forum and please take note of upgrading warnings, the download link is located half-way down the first page: 

It is important we take this opportunity to explain a little bit more about this firmware and be completely transparent about what has been going with our development of KitKat on the NEO X7; the reason why this is a “Hybrid” and why it’s built on the 3.0.36+ Kernel .

RockChip (the chipset manufacturer) released their KitKat TV Box SDK four months ago, in March 2014 (they released the KitKat Tablet SDK in January – but this isn’t relevant to us). When we first looked at the SDK back then it was a complete mess with lots missing, and so we believed at the time it was better to focus our efforts improving and refining the user experience on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean OS. 

Also, when RockChip released the KitKat TV Box SDK in March it was not built upon the appropriate KitKat Kernels, which we were reassured by RockChip they would provide if we waited – another reason why we didn’t begin working on KitKat in March. 

However, in June RockChip withdrew their reassurances and informed us they will not be releasing any new Kernels for the KitKat SDK. So this left us with a choice between ignoring KitKat and sticking with Jelly Bean or using the resources RockChip had released and making the best KitKat firmware we could. So of course, we chose the latter and began working on the firmware. 

Over the past four months, since the SDK was released, RockChip have released many necessary patches and fixes, and after spending the last six weeks working on this firmware we are very pleased with the results. We have tried to deliver the very best KitKat experience we can on the NEO X7 with the resources we have been provided. Of course, some of you guys may wish for more and we wish we could deliver more – but we can only work with the sources that are available (and we have pushed hard, and this is all RockChip are willing to offer).

So maybe the name isn’t correct, perhaps this isn’t truly 100% KitKat (for which we apologize) but it is still a great firmware and the initial feedback we have received in the last 24hours is all positive. So try for yourself, and we look forward to hearing any comments and thoughts you have. 


John (part of the MINIX Team)

P.S This 4.4.2 KitKat FW contains the latest version of XBMC MINIX Edition (Gotham), which was only released yesterday - very stable and fluid performance.

Kitkat pour Minix X7 1910487_752783101450527_6351664336646355158_n
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Msg n°2 MessageSujet: Re: Kitkat pour Minix X7 Kitkat pour Minix X7 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Juil 2014, 18:15

Merci pour l'info  :top: 
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Serial Newser

Messages : 2171
Réputation : 100
Inscrit le : 30/06/2013

Machine préférée PC-ENGINE, DREAMCAST, PSX

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Msg n°3 MessageSujet: Re: Kitkat pour Minix X7 Kitkat pour Minix X7 Icon_minitimeVen 21 Nov 2014, 08:17

X7 Kitkat v2.0.0 Community Edition
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Petit scarabée

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Msg n°4 MessageSujet: Re: Kitkat pour Minix X7 Kitkat pour Minix X7 Icon_minitimeMar 06 Jan 2015, 09:36

Ce firmware sera surement bientôt le firmware Kit Kat Officiel de Minix
X7 Kitkat v2.1.0 Community Edition:

Pas d'OTA
Uniquement flashable avec l'outil USB FLASHTOOL fournis

Changelog (2.1.0)
- sortie de veille réparé
- moteur son refait et entrée audio réparée (usb audio visibles)
- Parametres sur une seule page
- VPN/réseau config (IPIP,L2TP,PPP)
- PIN enlevé pour les paramètres VPN
- VPN wifi hotspot réparé
- Barre de recherche google enlevée
- Appuyer longhtemps sur menu cache la barre système
- préparation pour compatibilité X5
- UI recovery + Null pointer fix
- Framework de stockage USB refait
- wifidisplay / integration clef miracast HDCP (ne marche pas encore)
- libffmpeg & RKffplayer mis à jour version 8-12
- RKexplore app réparée
- WifiDisplay app réparée
- HLS réparée(non complet)
- Mis à jour Gapps (Google Apps)
- Google sync réparée
- Nouveau logo kernel / bootanimation (ajout KAR)
- plus d'autres choses...

(NOTE version "c" avec fix bluetooth & réseau)
Depuis CE 2.1.0 télécharger le "fix" correspondant.
MD5 checksum X7_Kitkat_CE_v2-1-0.img: 1db5537fc94cb40ac47024ea95c6cc4c

(Utilisez RK flashtool, ne pas flasher comme un OTA  !)

Mises à jour dispo:
X7 CE v2.1.0 - root update
X7 CE v2.1.0 - unroot
X7 CE v2.1.0a - bluetoothfix
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